• The administration and the owners of the site are not responsible for copyright infringement on publications made in an open format.
  • Each user who publishes co-authored work is responsible for observing the copyrights of the co-author(s) independently.
  • Transferring a publication from one section of the library to another or republishing a work in another section is available for a fee on TCH on Techcoin Library, similarly, for a fee on Techcoin, a user may choose to access materials in any section of the library in which they have not published.
  • A user can not publish the same work twice in order to receive a reward. Copying by user his work for secondary publication on the resource will be monitored by Techcoin Library administrators. The site uses algorithms for comparing the identity of files by the memory they occupy and the sequence and characters of the article title.
  • This library is not intended for publishing works related to the defense industry and the creation of weapons.
  • Any registered user can leave a comment on a publication if it does not correspond to a technical or exact science language and does not match the library’s subject matter. These comments, being repeated on the same publication, will be reviewed by an expert in the relevant field of science or technology to determine the relevance of the article to the field itself and to the library ecosystem as a whole.
  • Messages left as reviews will be checked by our moderators to ensure they are relevant to the topic of the product or service being reviewed.
  • We do not tolerate disrespectful communication on our platform (on the section “Questions & suggestions” and the section “Chat” , and any posts that violate this policy will be removed and the user who posted them will be blocked.